Several months ago, everyone is watching Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher after Kutcher’s breakup with Demi Moore. They have been spotted sharing a kiss and Google somehow shows they are “related”. And now, they are spotted and caught kissing romantically. Ashton Kutcher is wearing just a plain white t-shirts with a jean and Mila Kunis is spotted in a blue shirt with a yoga pant. The photo above was taken by Tom Meinelt from Splash News. It is obvious that the couple has something that is going on and on in New York lately. Although the couple still hasn’t admitted their relationship officially, they have been caught kissing a few times. Come on Ashton, stand out as a man and just admit it. And for Mila, please stop using Taylor Swift’s lyrics “Romeo take me somewhere we can be alone…”
Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher caught kissing AGAIN
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