Tag: kissing

  • Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher caught kissing AGAIN

    Several months ago, everyone is watching Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher after Kutcher’s breakup with Demi Moore. They have been spotted sharing a kiss and Google somehow shows they are “related”. And now, they are spotted and caught kissing romantically. Ashton Kutcher is wearing just a plain white t-shirts with a jean and Mila Kunis…

  • Emma Stone kissing scenes with Andrew Garfield in ‘The Amazing Spider-man’

    All of us know that Emma Stone has a really sexy lip that 99% of guys in the world want to kiss her. And yes, Andrew Garfield, the new Spiderman yet Emma Stone’s real-life girlfriend has got this chance to kiss her. Sorry Jim Carey, you don’t deserve the chance! “The Amazing Spider-man” has just…