Miley Cyrus wardrobe malfunction: Sexy, short, tight black dress, and no panties

Miley Cyrus wardrobe malfunction

Miley Cyrus is 19 years old now, she is having her last year as a teenager and turning into a woman (officially). As a teenager girl, her wardrobe malfunction in a sexy and short, tight and hot black dress will certainly give her a lesson of what should be wear (in the photo she is not wearing any panties) and what shouldn’t be wear. The Disney princess came back from her gym the other day and assaulted by paparazzi who managed to get few photos under her skirt when she came out from her car. Guess what? The woman-going-to-be pop star has show a lot of skin because she is not wearing any panties, yes no panties! The important part of the photo is enlarged but we still have to Oops it.





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