Happy 43rd Birthday Cate Blanchett

Cate Blanchett Happy Birthday

The Academy Award-winning Australian actress turns 43 today and we made her a cake. This cake is to celebrate the 43rd birthday with her. If you are looking at her pictures here you may think we had a typo or made a mistake about her age. Yes, she is 43 years old this year. Her birth date is 14 May 1969, we did not make any mistakes. You are just fooled by her sexiness, curvy body, and angel face just like us. Look at her! Look at her! Cate Blanchett, YOU ARE REALLY HOT!

Sexy Cate Blanchett red carpet

Celebrities who have just turned 43 this year include: Andrew Pepoy, Jennifer Aniston, Hugh Jackman, and Mariah Carey.





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