Category: Lady Gaga
These Celebrities Real Names Are Boring Just Like You And Me
Have you ever wonder what are the real names behind those cool celebrities stage name? Is Sting the actual name? Sir Mix-A-Lot, Snoop Dog, Rihanna, Queen Latifah, Lorde, and Avicii are some of the coolest name in the list but they aren’t the real name. These celebrities actual name are really boring just like yours…
Lady Gaga wears yet another meat dress
Again and again, Lady Gaga wears yet another meat dress and appears in front of millions of people during her concert in Amsterdam this week. The infamous meat dress/meat cloth/meat garment or whatever you prefer to call this fashion is once again attracted lots of flash flights from cameras. Compared to the last time when…
What is the meaning of gaga and Lady Gaga?
Everyone knows Lady Gaga but does anyone know what is the meaning of Gaga? According to web definition, gaga (pronounce /’gä,gä/), means overexcited or irrational, typically as a result of infatuation or excessive enthusiasm; mentally confused; senile. According to dictionary, gaga means crazy; silly; dotty; demented; ardently fond; infatuated; excessively and foolishly enthusiastic. In a…
GO TO HELL Lady Gaga!
GO TO HELL Lady Gaga! That’s one of the slogan Muslim men shout during a rally against Gaga’s sold-out concert in Indonesia. Reasons? Islamist hard-liners in Indonesiaworry her fashion is “too sexy” and her provocative dance moves may corrupt teenager. The concert is scheduled to be held on June 3 but Lady Gaga has cancelled…
God Hates Gaga
For some reasons, God hates Gaga. (Photo via my mother monster is a free bitch/Facebook