Tag: fat
Lindsay Lohan looks better heavier
If we would to make a statement “Lindsay Lohan look better heavier”, will you agree with that? We know there will be unlimited statements and comments every time we bring the Disney Lindsay out. As you can see from the left photo, Lindsay Lohan looks pretty thin and healthier during the “Mean Girls” period back…
Mariah Carey does have her slim moment
Most people who born after 90s will know this Mariah Carey. Photo: Getty Image But for Mariahan who have been following Mariah Carey since she became a true singer, she does have her slim moment. Back in June 1998, Mariah Carey was at one of her all time lows – the slimmest Mariah Carey you…
Mila Kunis’ slim vs fat?
Getty Image The left image on top is Mila Kunis back in February 2010 when the Aston Kutcher’s gf going-to-be actress was reportedly just 95 pounds. She looks relatively slim compared to the right photo she took in June 2012 where she gained 25 pounds to 120 pounds and claimed “this is my normal body.”…